Johnny Chang
Johnny Chang’s story is a powerful tale of mental health challenges, redemption, and transformation. Growing up in a violent LA neighborhood and surrounded by gangs, Johnny’s early years were marked by family dysfunction, crime, and despair. By the time he was 12, he had joined a local Chinese gang and soon found himself in juvenile detention, serving a total of eight years in correctional facilities.
These years were filled with violence, trauma, and struggles with mental health. After prison, Johnny’s life took an unexpected turn towards redemption when his mother introduced him to Christianity. A minister’s inspirational words led him to find God and become a devout Christian.
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Hell Does Have An Exit
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Hell Has an Exit Podcast is a display of resilience of the human spirit. Our host Bryan Alzate was addicted at the age of 14. Lost and suicidal he found his own exit in hell by getting clean at 17 and involvement in a 12 step program. Since then Bryan has dedicated much of his life helping other addicts find the Exit. On this show Bryan interviews individuals who have fought similar battles- emotionally raw, vulnerable and uncut.